Live for Today

Live for today, live like it’s the best day EVER ! It’s cliché to say this, but to really live…

Best Friends

Best Friends To watch them, you would know that they were best of friends. The gentle nature in which the…

The simple things

The simplest things in life are free and as we grow up we learn that they are also the same…

The things he taught me

The day you were born you taught me amazement. I was amazed at how precious and beautiful a tiny Labrador…

Zest to live life

As the years pass, new memories are made, a life spent creating what I envision life should be, a date…

Best Friends

    To watch them,  you would  know that they were best of friends. The gentle nature in which the…

A Bond Worth Building

The bond has been created, built from scratch, from something unlikely, of which I had no idea if it would…


You never know who is watching as you slowly, slog up an uphill twisty turny trail until you hear from…